I feel quite honored to be featured on Italytutto.com in its first blogger profile called Behind the Blog – Laura from Ciao Amalfi! I had a great time answering the fun and thought-provoking questions about my background, my life here on the Amalfi Coast, blogging, photography, the adventures of launching a freelance writing career, and my favorite orange cat named Puffy. Since I don’t often reveal too much about my personal life here on Ciao Amalfi, this is the real inside scoop!
And since Puffy hasn’t made an appearance recently, here he is sporting his “sleek summer look” as I described it on Italytutto. He looks like a completely different cat when compared to the orange puffball he is during the winter! But I can’t imagine he would look this cool if he still had all that winter fur.
Many thanks to Italytutto.com for the Behind the Blog feature. I look forward to learning more about my fellow Italy blogging friends in upcoming Behind the Blog features!
V. nice interview. Glad puffy got a cameo appearance!
I really want to meet you…
I am Cristina from Mondragone…
I have been here (in Napoli ) for years….My two youngster are American…Michael and Richard…..
from cristina…………
Ciao Karen! Grazie! Did you have cats waiting for you back in the states? Do you guys have any pets? I am curious to see if Puffy will get so Puffy again this winter! 🙂
Ciao Cristina! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Very nice to meet you! I checked out your blog, but unfortunately I can't read it. 🙁 Send me an email at ciao.amalfi@gmail.com and we can keep in touch! Ciao ciao!
Your Puffy looks a lot like my SUnshine – maybe we should give a haircut too when it gets hot in San DIego….congrats on the interview!
Ciao Linda Lou! Sunshine is a great name for a puffy orange cat! 🙂 I was surprised just how much fur Puffy shed this summer. He must be so much more comfortable without it all though. I have to admit I miss his puffiness! One good thing to look forward to with the cooler fall weather. 🙂
Lovely photo of Puffy! Thank you so much Laura for volunteering to be the subject of my first profile. It was a pleasure to work with you.
Ciao italytutto! You are very welcome! Puffy was very pleased with the attention … can't you just see it in his face? 🙂