Ravello is a beautiful sight at night with its churches glowing and the city lights sparkling up and down the Amalfi coastline. The other night while passing through Scala, Ravello’s little-known and charming next door neighbor, the bells of the Duomo of Ravello filled the valley down to Atrani with their rich sound and the moon cast a lovely glow over the scene. I captured a bit of it (plus a motorino zooming by!) on a this short video. Enjoy!
Thank you Laura, that was great, made me miss Italy though 🙁
Ciao Laura, You are so kind to share the bells! These sounds enters my heart!
Grazie, Grazie !!:)
Italian bells and Native American drums…my heartsongs! Thanks so much for sharing!
How lovely.
Ravello is always beautiful!
Ciao Anne! Bells always have a certain way of being a bit melancholic to me. I know when I am away from here it makes me sad when I hear them, too!
Ciao Chuck! So happy to fill your heart with the bells of the Amalfi Coast! 🙂
Ciao Mom! We are so much alike … those are such moving sounds for me, too. I wonder where I got that from? 😉
Ciao Pat! I would love to hear the bells in Modica!
Ciao Saretta! I agree… Ravello is always beautiful! One of the best views is from up high in Scala looking down on Ravello with the Amalfi coastline in the distance. I will have to post a picture from up there one of these days.