As promised yesterday, here are two videos I made of the fireworks that were set off for celebration good luck at the fountain nativity in Largo Scario in Amalfi. It is traditional before or after placing the baby Jesus in the nativity to set off fireworks for good luck. On Christmas Eve you’ll hear fireworks being set off at all hours of the night (and morning!). The video is in two parts due to technical difficulties (also including operator difficulties). Watch at the end of the second video for when the table of panettone is brought out and the young boys flock toward it. It’s Christmastime!!
Does your family set of fireworks for Christmas and New Year’s Eve?
We don't set off fireworks. But there is that tradition of staying up till midnight on NYE and banging on pots and pans with spoons to make lots of noise. I don't know why we do that! lol..
My son is still quite scared by loud noises and fireworks, but he survived (and ended up loving) the 4th of July extravaganza in Long Island this summer. So no, we don't shoot fireworks, firecrackers or even light sparklers this year, but memories of my Napoli capodanno parties still ring in my (devastated) eardrums.
Hope you'll be having an explosive new year's eve and a joyous 2010 full of laughter, love and lots of great sex.
Ciao friend,
Beautiful!! I remember when I first arrived in Naples two years ago, it was right before New Year's. I began to walk through the very small streets near Piazza Dante where young boys were shooting off fireworks from the second story windows. I'd never seen anything like it.
Come to find out, the next year women went on a sex strike to protest these fireworks. Their motto: "Make love, not explosions"
Happy New Year, Laura!!!! Your blog still enchants me. Thanks for bringing it to us.
Ciao Michelle! Thanks for stopping by and introducing me to your blog Italian Mama Chef. I look forward to following along on your Italian cooking adventures! What a fun New Year's Eve tradition. I wonder if that is a southern Italian thing? Thanks for sharing!
Ciao Lola! I was scared of loud noises and fireworks when I was young. Still today I have to say I don't like it when I see a small child holding a balloon. I hate those big out nowhere explosions they like to shoot off here for religious feasts. Those are going to do me in one of these days. 🙂
Hope you and your son had a fun New Year's Eve! Sending those wishes right back at you for 2010!
Ciao Barbara! I remember reading about those firework strikes last year. Too funny! Many happy wishes to you in the new year!!