I was so exciting to learn yesterday that my post titled Every Sunday Evening that I wrote last August about the weekly bocce games near my house was selected as a finalist in the Blogging from the Boot contest. This contest has been co-hosted by the lovely ladies Cherrye at My Bella Vita and Tina from Tina Tangos. What an honor to be selected as a finalist out of the great group of Italy expat bloggers out there!
Click here to read the entries and VOTE!!
There are three finalists in each of the seven categories, so there is something to interest all readers. My post is in the Buon Viaggio: Living and Traveling in Italy category. Voting will be open through Friday, February 5 at 5:00 PM, Italy time.
Thanks so much & happy reading!
Well done Laura, well deserved. I popped over earlier to day and placed my votes in all categories.
Good Luck.
Yes well done Laura, I called in there earlier and left a vote for you, and just done another one 🙂 will call back soon
Ciao LindyLouMac & Anne! Many thanks to both of you for participating and voting. 🙂 I hope you enjoyed the reading!
You and Rosa are leading in both your categories, and it was MY vote that put you in front… Woo hoo!!
Ciao and go go go
Ciao Eleonora! Woohoo!! Grazie!! Go Amalfi Coast!! 🙂
Congratulations! You deserved it:-)
Ciao PINKA! Grazie mille! 🙂