Remember all the humidity I was talking about last Friday? Well, over the weekend the north wind started to blow and temps dropped enough for the rain to turn to snow at the tops of the Lattari Mountains high above Scala, Ravello and along the Amalfi Coast. Isn’t it beautiful? This afternoon I took a few photos while out and about, and I love how the white mountains echoed the white houses stretching out along Ravello.
This was an pretty sight from near the Sanctuary of Ss. Cosma e Damiano in Ravello … and certainly not one that you see often on the Amalfi Coast. Look at those dramatic snowy mountains!
Wow. That is so disturbingly wrong, and yet absolutely stunning.
Ciao Annika! I know … it does seem unexpected, but it gets quite cold here in the winter. Or, at least it feels cold because it can be very humid. I often dress about the same here in the winter as I did living in Minnesota. But it was very dry there … and the houses and shops and restaurants were much warmer. Glad you enjoyed the photos!
Lovely photos Laura, it is worth putting up with the north wind for awhile to experience such beauty.
Ciao Linda! Yes, wish the cold north wind brought with it such nice views every time! 🙂
brrr! that’s pretty…that’s enough…warm up now!
Ciao Saretta! Yes … looking at it out the window is enough for me! 🙂 I’m more done with winter inside the house rather than out actually. I’m looking forward to be warm again soon!