While I never need an excuse to hop on a boat and head to Positano, what lured me there on a stunning October day last weekend was an invitation from Eleonora from Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino to join her at Positano’s Laurito beach for the afternoon. Eleonora had already tempted me to discover this secluded and tiny beach near Positano in an article she wrote about the Laurito Beach over at The Travel Belles. Peaceful, local and gorgeous – the best of the Amalfi Coast!

Following Eleonora’s great instructions, I waited at Positano’s main pier for the little boat with the red fish marked Da Adolfo, one of the two restaurants at the Laurito Beach. In the distance I spotted a tiny cove with two buildings. Could that be it? As the boat approached the shore, I could see the red sign for Ristorante Da Adolfo and Eleonora and her son waving from the beach. A magical beach experience was about to begin!

The beach space is very limited, so you’ll want to arrive early in the day to get the best spots. The view looking down the Amalfi coastline is spectacular, with the Li Galli islands and even the Faraglioni off of Capri in the distance. I love this view, which isn’t visible from Amalfi.

After playing in the sun and talking and talking, it was time for lunch! The Ristorante Da Adolfo is just a short flight of steps up from the beach, but with a pebbly floor and the seabreeze it feels as if you’re eating right on the beach.

Boy was I lucky to be with Eleonora, because she knew just what to order! We started with one of her favorites, mozzarella grilled on lemon leaves. Delicious! After that there was a zuppa di cozze (mussels) that we just had to order after catching the tantalizing aroma wafting over from the next table. Yum! They were so good that neither of us even thought to take a photo – practically a miracle with two bloggers at one table!

It was such a pleasure to meet Eleonora after years of emailing, writing together and following each other’s blogs. Meeting in such a beautiful setting was perfection. It felt a little unreal—the company, the wonderful conversation, the sunshine—all too good to be true! After a very busy summer, it was the moment of inspiration, connection and grounding that I had been searching for.

The faded color of these buoys scattered across the rocks caught my eye. They look as worn and rough as the rocks.

An absolutely amazing day. That’s the only way to put it! Many thanks to Eleonora for inviting me to join her at the Laurito beach in Positano. I’m already looking forward to the next time!

While you’re dreaming of a beach day on the Amalfi Coast, head over to Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino and check out Eleonora’s gorgeous photos of her escape to Positano for the Weekend!
I love it there and did a post on it last September. Sergio actually invented the grilled mozzarella on lemon leaves and it has been copied everywhere. The place has quite a history, the name coming from Sergio’s late father (my husband’s uncle) and attracts the famous as well as the bohemian crowds. I’m sorry I missed you!
Thanks for sharing the insider information, Rosa! That’s amazing that Sergio invented the mozzarella grilled on the lemon leaves. Eleonora mentioned the family connection to you! She also pointed out a famous Italian writer that was there having lunch, but I can’t remember his name. And then there were a few characters that looked like they stepped right off a film set. Great setting! Let’s meet there next year!
Oh, Laura what a wonderful reportage of our perfect day!
Thank you for this exquisite post, for meeting us in what I believe was the absolute best setting for it, and for the link love ♥
Now it’s your turn to come to Roma, for more tasty discoveries 😉
Un abbraccio,
I was indeed the perfect setting, Eleonora! I still can’t believe it. 🙂 I was thinking just the same thing about Roma while I was writing that post yesterday! I would LOVE to get up there this winter. Looking forward to tasty discoveries Roman style!! Un abbraccio forte to you and your lil’ man, Laura
I really am looking forward to visiting here someday – Between your’s and Eleonora’s reportage and photos … ** sigh ** (and thanks for the mention 🙂
The Amalfi Coast is breathtakingly beautiful Having been to Italy twice but never at Positano and from just viewing pictures leaves you with a chill up your spine. My husbands grandfather immigrated from Italy to the USA in the early 19oo’s and just by chance we discovered their was a town and a beach bearing his last name. Laurito so we are always clicking on and viewing what we can about these two areas.
Wow that’s really interesting that your husband’s name is like the beach near Positano! Was his family from the Amalfi Coast? I do hope you’ll be able to come and enjoy a day at Laurito Beach soon!