There’s no better day than Thanksgiving to stop and spend a moment with my word for the year … reflect. This has been a tremendous year, and I am grateful for so many things. I’d love to take just a moment to give my thanks to the new friends I’ve made this year and to my dear friends who have shared so much of their time and love keeping in touch from halfway around the world. And to my fiancé for making me smile each and every day – especially on my birthday when he proposed to me! To my family for the love and for squeezing in as much quality time together on my trips back to Nebraska. And many thanks to all of my blogging friends and you readers – you all add so much joy to my daily life. Wishing everyone reading a wonderful Thanksgiving time with your family and friends filled with love and many happy moments!
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.
Thank you, Pat! It was nice to be in the States for Thanksgiving after many years away. I even had turkey and cranberries twice this year! 🙂
A belated Thanksgiving Laura. Autumn has been exceptionally beautiful I think in Italy this year.
And belated Thanksgiving wishes right back at you! I’m back in Italy now, and I can’t believe how beautiful it still is now. What a joy to not have missed the beautiful autumn colors! 🙂
belated congratulations on your engagment! Hope you fill us in on how he actually proposed and when you are planning on getting married!
Great to hear from you, Leanne! Thank you for your kind wishes. One day I will write all those stories! 🙂