Weekends in August are generally a time to avoid the beach on the Amalfi Coast. Crisi or no crisi, I swear half of Italy is on the beach in Amalfi this time of year. With hotter than usual temperatures right now, unless I can nab a spot close to the edge of the water I feel like reenacting the “I’m melting … m…e…l…t…i…n…g” scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Yeah, it ain’t pretty. I’m happier to head to the beach early in the morning during the week when it’s less crowded or just wait until things quiet down a little bit at the end of the August.
Since it was too hot to head to the beach yesterday, we went the other direction up into the mountains above Tramonti to one of my favorite restaurants. The drive through the pass up to Tramonti was quiet and peaceful, worlds away from the August chaos in Amalfi. After lunch I looked up at the big chestnut tree we parked under for shade and noticed the bright green chestnuts growing in their prickly burrs.

On such a hot day it was refreshing to have a reminder that autumn is on its way. Soon it will be time for the chestnut harvest and the Festa della Castagna in Scala. I want to hold on to the warmth of summer and the beach days as long as I can, but seeing the chestnuts growing is a nice reminder that there are many beautiful–and cooler–days ahead!
Fond memories of fall in Amalfi and above. Loved the Festa della Castagna in Scala…especially the games and donkey races!
Wonderful memories, mom! This year I’ll have to share some photos and videos from the Festa della Castagna on Ciao Amalfi. The donkey races are so much fun!
Great post, I especially love the last sentence Laura 🙂
Thanks, Linda! It’s so hot now, but in a few months we’ll be cold again. Hard to imagine during these hot August days.
Beautiful picture Laura! August always leaves me conflicted about summers passing and the fresh clean air of fall. We can’t wait to visit the Amalfi coast again, perhaps in the fall this time.
Ciao Mike! Autumn is a beautiful time on the Amalfi Coast. Love that fresh air!
Hi Laura, I have been reading your blog for a while since I am finally realizing once of my dreams and travelling to Italy for 4 weeks towards the end of October. I have been trying to find information about the chestnut festival in Scala. Do you have any idea when it is this year? I can try chestnut inspired dishes throughout the month of October I understand but would love to attend at least one festival so late in the year when in Italy.
Ciao bellini, Thanks for stopping by and for your comment. How exciting that you’ll be visiting Italy … and very soon, too! I don’t know yet when the chestnut festival will take place in Scala. It’s usually the second or third weekend in October, but I haven’t heard yet. As soon as I see any signs or find out, I’ll be sure to post the news on my Ciao Amalfi Facebook page. It’s a great event – hope you’ll be able to make it!
Me too:D If it is the 3rd weekend I am in!!
It often is the 3rd weekend … hope you can come this year!