I woke up this morning just after sunrise but before the alarm beeped the beginning of a new day. I’m a morning person, even on the mornings when my body feels like starting a little bit slower. Even before I had moved, my brain was fighting its way through the fog of sleep and when I woke up it was full of words. It was crafting a piece on the Duomo of Amalfi that I hope to share soon on Ciao Amalfi. I jumped out of bed, hurried to my desk and began scribbling on all the little scraps of paper I could find to get it all down. When I finished the 7am church bells rang. I wonder just what had I been dreaming about?
Now that’s my girl…making good creative use even of those dreams. Why wouldn’t you dream of the duomo in Amalfi…it is, after all, where we both stood, staring up those 63 steps and gave our hearts to Amalfi!