We’ve been enjoying a quieter than usual Christmas this year, but full of gratitude that my husband is slowly recovering and feeling a little better each day. The weather has been unusually mild and gorgeous for December, yet as I write this a cold north wind is howling down the mountains. Winter has arrived! Looking back at these photos I quickly shot on my iPhone earlier this week on a sunny morning in Amalfi makes me feel a little warmer. Just a little.
I love the presepi, or nativities, that are built in the fountains in Amalfi. Their intricate scenes are a mix of Neapolitan traditions and local touches, especially the one pictures above. As you walk around the fountain you’ll find familiar names for restaurants, cafés, a gelato cart, boats and even recognizable people!
A lot of work goes into the creation of this presepe each year, starting with fishing out the turtles who usually laze about in the sun there the rest of the year. Most families also have nativity scenes in their homes, ranging from simple to hugely elaborate affairs complete with water features (but usually without the need to move turtles).
I hope that you are enjoying a happy holiday time and are finding moments to enjoy the traditions and beauty of the season. From the Amalfi Coast to you … buone feste!
Hi Laura,
A happy New Year to you! Good to hear your husband is doing better! Best wishes to you both. I loved your latest pictures!! Amalfi with snow! Who knew.. Coming from Canada, -3 is balmy 🙂 but I know the dampness really makes it bone chilling in Italy. The nativity scene you have photographed is stunning. I like this one better than the ones I saw in Rome last year. Clearly a lot of effort has gone into this one.
Best wishes.