A couple of weeks ago I received an email from my friend Lisa at Wanderlust Women’s Travel Dreams telling me about a tango event happening on the Amalfi Coast. Lisa asked me “pretty, pretty please with skittles on top” to do a post on the evening of tango dancing. Would I mind? Well, Lisa ...
Travel Inspirations: Looking Further Than Your Own Backyard
So far in our Travel Inspirations series we’ve been all over the world, including Italy with Robin Locker, to England & Italy with Lisa Fantino, to sunny Naxos, Greece with Mike Sowden, to Hiroshima with Abigail King and Australia’s Gold Coast with Cecil Lee. We’ve heard tales of ...
Finding “Real” Italy in Venice & Naples
Over the past month I’ve been honored to have some of my favorite writers around the internet stopping by with guest posts, and this Sunday I have a special treat for Italy fans. Jessica Spiegel, the Italy expert at WhyGo Italy, will share some of her travel stories about two of her favorite ...
Touching the Clouds
We’ve been having typical spring weather on the Amalfi Coast for the past week – a rather indecisive and confusing mix of rain and sun. I can’t decide whether it’s worth the risk to put the laundry outside, as one moment it’s gloriously sunny and perfect and the next it’s pouring. ...