Last week we left the rain and clouds of the Amalfi Coast for a little vacation in Paris. (Pictures and stories coming soon!) While we were disappointed to return to still more rain Sunday evening, Monday morning greeted us with glorious sunshine. In Amalfi, the water shimmers in ...
Can I Complain About the Rain?
I know with all the terrible snow, flooding and bad storms around Europe and American these days that I don't really have any right to complain about the near constant rain we've been having here on the Amalfi Coast. While winter weather on the Amalfi Coast can be a bit, well, glum, the winter ...
Happy Blogiversary Ciao Amalfi!
Throw your dreams into space like a kite and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. - Anais Nin One year ago I started my blog with this hopeful and honest post featuring the above quotation by Anais ...
*News on Landslide Between Amalfi and Atrani*
Saturday morning the people of Amalfi and Atrani were shocked by a landslide near the tunnel connecting the two towns that collapsed the roof of the restaurant Da Zaccaria killing the chef Carmine Abate. Heavy winter rains here cause landslides every year, but it is sad and shocking to hear ...