As the sunlight shines over the Amalfi Coast on this last day of 2009, I want to wish all of you reading a new year full of contentment, joy and beautiful memories. I look forward to sharing the adventures of the coming year with you all! Felice Anno Nuovo – Happy New Year!! ...
Christmas Eve Fireworks in Amalfi
As promised yesterday, here are two videos I made of the fireworks that were set off for celebration good luck at the fountain nativity in Largo Scario in Amalfi. It is traditional before or after placing the baby Jesus in the nativity to set off fireworks for good luck. On Christmas Eve ...
Tempting Tuesday: Christmas Presepe Traditions in Amalfi
Well, I was quite swept away by all of the Natale traditions and events for my first Christmas in Italy. With all the fish dishes on Christmas Eve, learning Neapolitan card games on Christmas day, walking through the whimsical Christmas lights in Salerno and the food food food food food. Oh, ...
Tempting Tuesday: Fountain Nativity in Amalfi
As promised, here I am with photos of the beautiful fountain presepi, or nativities, in Amalfi. Each December, two of the town’s fountains are drained and then carefully and lovingly decorated with elaborate presepe scenes by locals. These are my favorite decorations of the Christmas ...