There are times when I love the internet and then times when I really love the internet. When it comes to learning about what’s going on in my garden, it’s generally the latter. Earlier this year I planted three new lavender plants, and they have been very happy in their new home. ...
Something Fishy in Atrani
Today I went for a beautiful swim in Atrani, and while I was there the city was setting up for the Festa del Pesce Azzurro, or the Festival of the Blue Fish, which takes place tonight. The city is covered with fishing nets like a haunted house might be with spider webs, and there ...
A Day Swimming in Capri at the Faro
Last month when I went on a boat tour around Capri, one real treat was seeing the Faro (lighthouse) on Punta Carena for the first time. The second most important and powerful lighthouse in Italy, it is a striking pink and white striped structure placed on a promontory shaped ...
Happy Hour and the Bells of San Benedetto in Amalfi
I received such happy comments about the church bells from the Ferragosto Procession in Amalfi that I just have to share another video with you all. Turns out I’m not the only one who loves the daily ringing of the bells across Italy! On Tuesday I was in Amalfi for the evening and enjoyed ...