As I spend my first whole month of August on the Amalfi Coast, I am learning a lot of new things. The first is that I finally know what really crowded here really means. And I mean the really crowded, no place to park, no beach chair left unoccupied, mobs of Italian tourists sort ...
Out & About: Night Bells and Moon over Ravello
Ravello is a beautiful sight at night with its churches glowing and the city lights sparkling up and down the Amalfi coastline. The other night while passing through Scala, Ravello’s little-known and charming next door neighbor, the bells of the Duomo of Ravello filled the valley down to Atrani with ...
Summer Snapshot: Amalfi through the Lemon Groves
Sweet the memory is to me of a land beyond the sea, Where the waves and mountains meet, Where amid her mulberry-trees Sits Amalfi in the heat, Bathing ever her white feet In the tideless summer seas. —From Amalfi (1875) by Henry ...
Hitting the Beach in Atrani
Ever since jumping on the boat for the Sant’Antonio procession and seeing the festival for Santa Maria Maddalena in Atrani, I have been wanting to visit this city’s charming little beach. I’m not even sure why I haven’t ever been swimming there before, but last Saturday morning I ...