Every once in awhile in life you happen to meet a person that you know immediately will be a good friend. Perhaps you have shared similar experiences, perhaps you have either a little or a lot in common, or share similar interests, and sometimes all of those things. Anyone who blogs will agree that ...
Giro d’Italia speeds through the Amalfi Coast
It was a perfect sunny day on the Amalfi Coast yesterday for the Giro d'Italia, and I was happy that those watching the race around the world saw the coastline and Campania at its very best. Yesterday morning a light and refreshing breeze blew away the humid and heavy air of the past week. I arrived ...
Giro d’Italia on the Amalfi Coast
Today is an exciting day for cycling fans on the Amalfi Coast. The 19th stage of the Giro d'Italia will take the riders today 164 km from Avellino down to Salerno, along the beautiful and challenging Amalfi Coast Road, over the mountains to Sorrento and along the coast until Mt. Vesuvius. What a ...
Classic Cars in Amalfi
One thing many people don't know about me is that I love classic cars. My first car was a 1966 Mustang coupe, and I just loved it. And, yes, I drove around listening to "Mustang Sally." Unfortunately, I knew the snowy winters of Minnesota would do more than just slow that Mustang down, and I had to ...