No, not me! I'm not cut out for fishing. Sitting by the sea lost in a book, yes. Fishing, not so much. But I like to watch other people fish. It's fascinating to me to see the focus, the patience and the connection with the sea. I spotted this gentleman in Amalfi wearing a vibrant red sweater and ...
Return to the Sea
The people of Amalfi have always had a strong connection to the sea. Not just because of the town's geographic setting, but because of something that seems to run deep in the blood. This is the something that led those Amalfitani in the Middle Ages to head out across the sea to other parts of the ...
Foto Friday: Cat on a Hot Roof
If you've ever lived in another country long enough to feel like it's your home, then you might know that funny feeling when you forget you're actually living in another country. The Amalfi Coast has felt like home since the first time I visited here in 2007. But sometimes there are moments when I ...
Brave Toulouse
Today is two months since Toulouse's big day. Early in the morning on December 17th, we packed up Toulouse and headed off to the veterinario, the vet, for surgery on his right front leg. You might remember the dramatic way little Toulouse came into our family on a Monday at the end of last summer. ...