Weekends in August are generally a time to avoid the beach on the Amalfi Coast. Crisi or no crisi, I swear half of Italy is on the beach in Amalfi this time of year. With hotter than usual temperatures right now, unless I can nab a spot close to the edge of the water I feel like reenacting the "I'm ...
Memoriae | Igor Mitoraj Ravello Festival Exhibition
Every year the Ravello Festival is centered around a theme running through the art exhibitions, concerts and cultural events that take place during the summer. Memory is the theme of the 2012 Ravello Festival and the current exhibition Memoriae, Mitoraj a Ravello. The monumental sculptural works of ...
Book Review | Todo in Tuscany
There are a lot of reasons to fall in love with a house in Tuscany. A sweeping view across the rolling Tuscan hillsides, finding a piece of Italian history going back generations or a setting in a charming Italian village. While Louise Badger and Lawrence Kershaw found all those things in ...
Hurrying Up and Waiting on the Amalfi Coast
I grew up hearing the motto "hurry up and wait" often, and we did in fact do a lot of waiting when I was a kid. It was a habit passed down by my grandfather from his days in the Navy to my mother growing up on a small family farm in rural Nebraska. It's a habit I've been grateful for over the years, ...