The temperatures have been warming up during the day on the Amalfi Coast, but it's still cool enough in the evenings that our long haired cats haven't started shedding their winter coats yet. The other day I opened the window to look for them, and this is what I found directly below the window. I'm ...
Photo Friday: 15 KM in Positano
While sitting and waiting for the Tour Guide to fit his car into a remarkable small space near Positano, I was looking at this old stone mile marker on the side of the road. I don't normally see photos in bianco e nero, but the combination of the worn lettering of the sign, the old Mini Cooper and ...
A Happy Birthday Bougainvillea!
On Monday, I mentioned that the bougainvillea in Positano was already blooming and shared a photo of a bright pink variety that I love. It so happens that this is also the Tour Guide's favorite color of bougainvillea, and he was the one who first pointed out to me how beautiful it is on Capri and in ...
An Evening in Positano
When the weather is warm, I love the early evening hours on the Amalfi Coast. The tourists buses have all departed to head back to Sorrento and Naples, the beach umbrellas are closed and stacked up ready for the next day and the locals come out to enjoy an evening stroll through town. As the colors ...