I wish I could hold on to the peacefulness of February evenings throughout the year. I swear that Amalfi just keeps getting more beautiful all month long. Last week while out taking an evening stroll and soaking up the sunset colors shining on the buildings of Amalfi, I heard the sound of an engine ...
Ready for Spring in the Garden!
It's been awhile since I've posted an update in my adventures of an amateur gardener. This winter has been a busy one with work, and the garden is just now starting to come back to life. Just before I left Italy, the tour guide and I spent a long morning out in the garden cleaning, pruning, cutting ...
Photo Friday: Savoring the Stillness in Amalfi
I love the spring light on the Amalfi Coast. Or maybe it's just that I see things during the month of February, when the town of Amalfi has taken a deep breath and closed its shutters and shops for a bit of winter rest, that are easily missed during the busier times of the year. Last week I was ...
Photo Friday: Running Back to Paris
I can't believe it's already time for another Photo Friday. Two weeks ago today I was out exploring the 1st arrondissement in Paris, from the l'Orangerie Museum in the morning, along the rue de Rivoli to the Palais Royal, shopping on Place des Victoires, the late Gothic magic of St-Eustache, vin ...