This month marks the two year anniversary of Ciao Amalfi. I’ve been looking back over the past two years and thinking about how this blog has been such an important part of my life here in Italy. It’s been with me through many of the challenges and joys of learning to live on the Amalfi Coast. By ...
Photo Friday: Architectural Layers
The architecture of the Amalfi Coast is endlessly fascinating to me, and the Duomo of Salerno is one of my favorite spots in Campania. I took this photo in the beautiful atrium looking up to the 12th-century bell tower. To learn more and see more photos (including one of the crypt you won't want to ...
Photo Friday: A Serengeti Sunrise on the Amalfi Coast
With a boyfriend who works as an official tour guide for the region of Campania, our days often start early. Especially when his groups depart from Sorrento or Salerno over an hour away. The bright side is that I get the chance to watch the day begin, as the sun climbs up over the mountains across ...
Paris in the Snow
This year was a rainy Christmas on the Amalfi Coast, but a few wet days are nothing compared to the snowstorms and cold weather that have hit northern Europe. The news has been full of stories of flights cancelled and even the Eiffel Tower in Paris closed because of the heavy snow. I feel sorry for ...